Introducting the conceptual design of TPS 33A beamline

Wen-Bin Wu

Introducting the conceptual design of TPS 33A beamline



The TPS 33A beamline, one of the beamlines in TPS Phase-III project, represents a significant advancement in the field of soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) spectroscopy, offering a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge techniques for probing electronic structures and magnetic properties of materials. This beamline is equipped with innovative technologies that enable fast and precise polarization switching, efficient optical design, active mirror and planar grating monochromator system, parallel detection experiments, and the high magnetic fields XMCD. In TPS 33A, these techniques collectively provide a powerful platform for investigating a wide range of materials including magnetic and electronic phenomena in condensed matter physics, materials science and beyond.



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